Central Vic Meats
An attractive website and online ordering of mouth-watering Australian produced meats.
Project Summary
Central Vic Meats is a family-owned business based in Victoria, Australia who specializes in quality livestock meats.
Central Vic Meats is a well-known name among the meat lovers of Australia. They wanted a simple yet stylish website enabling g their customers to buy meats online.

Our Approach
We designed an elegant website for Central Vic Meats, keeping their brand colour into consideration. The Central Vic Meat’s website Is packed with all features of an ecommerce website and is navigation friendly for users.
Attractive branding colour of the website and high standard product images engage customers to explore with curiosity. Thanks to our custom CMS Web Commander, that provided us with advanced options for the web design.
Project’s Key Features
- Fully feature ecommerce website
- Weekly specials on the home page
- Advanced selection from products
- Attractive presentation of products and website design keeping brand color into consideration.
The Impact
The website allowed Central Vic Meats to engage new customers over time. Since the launch, they generated high revenues due to the increasing customer base and strengthened their position in the Australian butcher industry.
Delivery System
Central Vic Meats is our first client for whom we designed an advanced delivery feature. As a result, they can define the maximum radius they deliver for online orders. In addition, it allowed Central Vic Meats to have full control over their delivery locations, meaning they can choose specific areas where they deliver by using our advanced shipping rules feature.
The customers have the flexibility to choose between home delivery and store pickup. In addition, for both cases, they have the freedom to select the delivery date for both home delivery and store pickup services.
These two features positively impacted business resulting in increased orders from customers, and satisfaction on both customer and supplier end improved significantly.
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